Wednesday, August 25, 2010

things to be {happy} about.

On a couple of blogs {A Beautiful Mess} and {Pennyweight} I saw that the girls were making happy lists, and I decided that it would be good for me to jot one down.

- Labor Day weekend in Watercolor, FL. [words can't even express my excitement.]

- Having a job. I am so blessed to have a father who runs his own company, so that I can gain experience while figuring out my next step. It might not be my ideal job, but it definitely has its benefits and is kind of perfect for now.

- New friends that I feel like I have known my entire life [that's just how strong the bonds are.]

- Redecorating my old room, so that it feels more like me. I love a good project.

- The fact that I have my grandpa to go eat lunch with today.

- The Texan vs. Cowboys game this weekend, and getting to see some friends I haven't seen in a while!

- Dark chocolate and almond Nutella on a bagel... my new favorite breakfast snack.

What are you happy about today?

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