Friday, November 20, 2009

great gadgets.

UO {crosley} portable turntable.

anthro {ipod} dock-- how cool is this?

UO {Crosley} alarm clock

i love gadgets, and especially ones that are in the 50-150 range.
thank you UO and ANTHRO.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pulling my hair outtt.

i have to vent:
i cannot stand listening to someone "sniffle."
i have terrible allergies, so if anyone understands then i do.
but my gosh, to not to anything about it is just annoying.

i am trying to study at starbucks.
minding my own business..
and i am having to blare christmas music on my ipod to drone the "sniffler" out..

(picture via google images)

i can only hope that she a) leaves or b) has a miraculous recovery!

too into [twilight]? i think not.

i started reading this last night, in anticipation for...


soooo excited for next week!

--and some of the {new moon} cast will be in Houston
this weekend. i heard Taylor Lautner wants to meet me..

college comfort?

this outfit is perfect for winter morning classes.
i loveee {sweats} for the morning and nights,
but dressing up for the in between classes.

sometimes i try to avoid people i might see twice in one day
because i usually change after my morning class, haha.

the other day at {starbucks} one of the baristas caught on.
--looks like my secret is out!

you can buy it here.

Monday, November 9, 2009

[christmas fever] even though i'm in shorts...

yes, i realize we have not even had {thanksgiving} yet..
but i just can't help planning on my tree decorations.
i'm anxious to get to anthro this weekend for a few '09 needs.

i went home this weekend, and mom and i headed to
Hobby Lobby and Targetfor Christmas needs.
there is so much cute stuff out this season!

Monday, November 2, 2009

NYC: Day 1.

jo & i went to NYC in August, and i never got around to posting pictures.

these are our pictures from Day 1.
We flew in, and really just walked around Times Square.
we ate at this little quaint Italian food restaurant
and then went to Junior's for cheesecake.

christmas wish list.

NARS 'Essential' Eye Palette.
NARS 'Modern Love' Palette.

these are both on my wish list for my birthday/christmas.

i love all of the shades, and their eyeshadow is

buy them here.